Can I use Champ Flush Out Detox Drink for THC detox to pass a drug test (to pass a urine drug test)?
Can I use Champ Flush Out Detox Drink for weed detox (to pass a saliva test)
Does it claim to flush cannabis from the blood quickly?
How to Use Champ Flush Out Detox Drink to cleanse piss of marijuana
Directions: You have to shake the drink bottle. Afterwards, drink the product. Wait for 15 mins, refill with water and drink again. Urinate several times before your drug screening.
Where to buy Champ Flush Out Detox Drink near me?
How long does it last?
Works in 45 minutes, lasts 5 hours or more.
Champ Flush Out Detox Drink Instructions
How to Use Champ Flush Out Detox Drink to Pass a Urinalysis For Probation or Other tests
Flush out detox is a THC detox drink for urine drug test, saliva drug test and blood drug test.
Stop consuming weed or drugs for two days or more (ideally).
After shaking Champ Flush Out bottle, drink the whole liquid for THC detox.
Wait for 15 minutes, refill with water, and drink once more.
Pee once or more (better option), then face your test.
Riboflavin gives urine its yellow color to mask dilution (Gatautis & Naito, 1981).
Creatine Monohydrate 1000 mg
Creatine monohydrate is used because the your creatinine levels is what the drug screening checks and if the indicator is too low, will
know the sample is dilute (Ropero-Miller, Paget-Wilkes, Doering, & Goldberger, 2000).
Milk Thistle
Used in detoxification of the liver (Hackett, Twedt, & Gustafson, 2013).
Guarana extract 333 mg
Guarana is a source of caffeine which acts as a diuretic to increase urine output (Blanchard & Sawers, 1983)
Echinacea Extract 333 mg
Echinacea extract is used as a mild laxative and detoxifier.
Green Planet Inc. started in 1997, providing shop supplies online.
Green Planet sells a range of detox products, vape products, supplements, smoking accessories, and energy drinks.
Pros and cons
Contains herbs that have diuretic, laxative, and detoxifying effects, but not too many herbs as to stress the liver
Has only one B-vitamin to add color to the diluted sample, doesn’t overdo it
Creatine Monohydrate to make sure creatinine levels are correct in the urine sample
Has very many flavors
Works in 45 minutes
Widely available
Expensive, but at 19.99 USD, not as expensive as comparable detox drinks
You can do dilution with only creatine and Riboflavin, but if you don’t already have them, could cost you as much or more than this drink
Dilution can sometimes be detected. Timing must be perfect. You may need to practice with a few bottles and a home test first
Not much information online about the product
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Q&A about Champ Flush Out Detox Drink
Does Champ Flush work?
Components of Champ Flush work in a such way: herbs cause diuretic effect, the riboflavin adds color to the diluted urine, and creatine makes sure creatinine levels checked in urine tests are at normal levels even though the urine is dilute. The dilution will mask marijuana and other drugs.
How to use Champ Detox Drink?
There is an instruction, how to use Champ Detox Drink: shake the bottle for 5 mins, drink it slowly, wait for 15 mins and drink 1 glass of water. You have to urinate at least 2 times before the drug test.
How long does Champ Flush Out last?
Champ Flush Out Detox lasts more than 5 hours. It works in 45 minutes.
Does Champ Flush Out Detox differ from other detox products?
Champ Flush Out Detox Drink has been on the market longer than other products since 1997 possibly. Also, it has fewer herbs and vitamins which could stress the liver and kidneys and therefore is cheaper and only includes what is necessary.
How does Champ Flush work?
It dilutes the marijuana and adds color, nutrients, and creatine to avoid the urinalysis detectors.
Does it work for weed, for opiates, for cocaine?
Champ Flush Out Detox Drink uses dilution to hide the presence of drugs. Dilution may work for any drugs in the system, including marijuana and nicotine.
Champ Flush Out Detox Drink by Green Planet, Inc. Review
Positive Champ Flush Out Detox Drink Reviews
Figure 2.
Negative Champ Flush Out Detox Drink Reviews
Figure 3.
Social Media
Skeptical but positive review.
We give this product an A rating. This product works by dilution just like similar products; however, it contains only what is needed and therefore will not stress your liver and kidneys. At 19.99 USD, it is also cheaper than comparable drinks and has been on the market longer. One drawback is that it does not appear to contain Zinc, which is proven to interfere with urinalysis drug tests by reducing the chances of detecting drug use (Venkatratnam & Lents, 2011). Overall, this drink is worth a try. You may need to buy a few and a drug test to practice and see how to get your timing perfect. For tips on dilution, try this link here:
Blanchard, J., & Sawers, S. J. (1983). Relationship Between Urine Flow Rate and Renal Clearance of Caffeine in Man. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 23(4), 134-138. Retrieved 8 28, 2018, from
Gatautis, V. J., & Naito, H. K. (1981). Liquid-chromatographic determination of urinary riboflavin. Clinical Chemistry, 27(10), 1672-1675. Retrieved 8 28, 2018, from
Hackett, E. S., Twedt, D. C., & Gustafson, D. L. (2013). Milk Thistle and Its Derivative Compounds: A Review of Opportunities for Treatment of Liver Disease. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 27(1), 10-16. Retrieved 8 28, 2018, from
Jacobs, B. P., Dennehy, C., Ramirez, G., Sapp, J., & Lawrence, V. A. (2002). Milk thistle for the treatment of liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The American Journal of Medicine, 113(6), 506-515. Retrieved 7 20, 2018, from
Ramanujam, V. M., Anderson, K. E., Grady, J. J., Nayeem, F., & Lu, L. J. (2011). Riboflavin as an oral tracer for monitoring compliance in clinical research. The Open Biomarkers Journal, 2011(4), 1-7. Retrieved 7 20, 2018, from
Ropero-Miller, J. D., Paget-Wilkes, H., Doering, P. L., & Goldberger, B. A. (2000). Effect of Oral Creatine Supplementation on Random Urine Creatinine, pH, and Specific Gravity Measurements. Clinical Chemistry, 46(2), 295-297. Retrieved 7 20, 2018, from
Smalinskiene, A., Lesauskaite, V., Savickiene, N., Zitkevicius, V., Savickas, A., Ryselis, S., . . . Ivanov, L. (2005). The Relationship of Echinacea purpurea. to the Toxicity of Cadmium. Pharmaceutical Biology, 43(9), 797-802. Retrieved 7 20, 2018, from
Venkatratnam, A., & Lents, N. H. (2011). Zinc reduces the detection of cocaine, methamphetamine, and THC by ELISA urine testing. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 35(6). Retrieved 8 28, 2018, from
This article about Medical Marijuana was published on 08-29-2018 and updated on October 27, 2022. Medical facts in this article was checked and article was medically reviewed by our Leaf Expert Medical Team. Author of this checked article is DarylSeldon (MS) who is expert in Medical Marijuana
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