Marijuana Purple Haze Review
Strain name info: | Purple Haze Marijuana Strain
Our Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 / Best known for: named for popular Jimi Hendrix song |
Positive Effects | ![]() |
Origin / ancestry | Purple Haze Type: Purple Haze is a hybrid of 30 % cannabis indica and 70 % cannabis sativa. THC levels can be as high as 20 %. Bred by Positronic seeds. It is descended from:
Aromas, Flavors | Purple Haze has a scent and taste that has been described as:
May Relieve | Purple Haze is great for relaxion and therefore anxiety disorders. | |
THC Content: 20 % CBD: less than 1 % |
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Indoor/Outdoor Yield | Indoor yields can be as much as 19 ounces per square foot indoors and 14 ounces per plant outdoors. This is a medium yield outdoors and a high yield indoors. | |
Flowering time | Purple Haze weed plants will flower in approximately 9 weeks. | |
Genetic | ![]() |
Harvest | Purple Haze weed plants are usually suitable to harvest around late October in the United States. | |
Flowering type | You are most likely to gain access to a photoperiodic strain of this plant for growing. If you search breeders, you might be able to find an autoflowering strain. | |
Disease resistance | Purple Haze boasts a high disease resistance ability. | |
Plant Height | Purple Haze is a medium sized plant growing between 4 and 8 feet tall. | |
Adverse effects | Purple Haze can cause dry mouth and eyes. | |
Growing Difficulty | Growing Purple Haze is easy. |
History, Genetics, Origins
Purple Haze plants have genetics which are 30 percent Indica and 70 percent Sativa. THC levels can rise to 20 %. Its parents are:
- Haze
- Purple Thai
It is bred by Positronic Seeds.
Appearance and Smell
Purple Haze cannabis is a medium sized plant growing between 4 to 8 feet. It is a Sativa so it can grow taller and lanky. You can see the bud above. You will see a hairy rather than a grainy bud. Healthy green and orange hues amid some sticky green to white resins and finally the purple anthocyanins most breeders will induce with lightly cooler temperatures during late October. You have to wait till later in October to bring out the purple in the plant.
The smell and taste is of fruit grape goodness. Your toke will be a delicious bouquet of fruit flavor.
How to Grow Purple Haze Cannabis Seeds or Cuttings Outdoors
Growing weed from Purple Haze cannabis seeds or cuttings is gonna be fairly easy this time. You can use fancy methods like Sea of Green or Screen of Green. However, since this is a hearty plant with high disease resistance, why don’t we just stick it right into the ground and do it the way nature intended?
Getting the good seeds
Go online and check out seed banks. In the states, Humbolt and Exotix are well established and these are good to use due to the iffy market, with different states having different laws. You want to use a company that’s going to be around in the next few years so that you can get consistently good seeds. However, you can do your own research and find a company with good customer service who will answer your questions. Now, if you happen upon seeds in a sack given to you by unscrupulous street sellers, you can always grow those seeds, however you will not know the strain or its characteristics.
Growing outside
All you need is a sunny spot and time in your growing season. Growing outdoors is much cheaper than growing inside, there is no buying a lamp or rising light bills. In order to make it the most fun, find local growers you can shoot the shiznit with. You are part of a worldwide community of people who love to grow cannabis.
Another reason to grow outside is that it is environmentally friendly. When you grow indoors, you are using electricity, water, and buying lamps, leaving a carbon footprint. Many or most weed growers are friends of the environment and do not wish to be wasteful. They love the earth and the earth loves them back.
Finally, gardening is therapeutic and helps relieve anxiety and depression.
Choosing a spot
You need a spot that has sun, sun, and more sun. Unless there is drought in your area, your plants can handle direct sunlight all day. If drought approaches, keep the soil moist and let them have shade for part of the day so that the global warming sun bursting through the hole in the ozone doesn’t scorch your plants.
Your spot needs loam soil with organic nutrients. You can usually see this with the naked eye and it looks like very good soil. Looks so good you want to eat it. Gardening is in your genes and you can recognize good soil.
You need a good breeze so that water, bacteria, virus, and mites don’t settle on and eat your plants. Excessive wind can be broken by moving your plants close to a wall or behind another plant that can take the wind.
You can grow in the ground, a balcony, or roof. Since the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, it’s been known that a balcony or roof can make a great growing spot and in some countries, balcony gardens are very popular.
Loam is clay, sand, silt, a few rocks and organic matter. If you don’t have that in your grow spot, you will have to add it.
Your soil needs to have good drainage and water feeding properties so that your soil remains moist but not soggy.
You can add some plant food if you feel the soil needs to be enriched. But if it is a soil surrounded by other life, then it is likely good to go. If nothing appears to grow in it, you will need to add a healthier soil.
Medicinal Marijuana Review, Anxiety Disorders
Purple Haze cannabis plants are 30 percent Indica and 70 percent Sativa. THC levels can be up to 20 %.
THC levels can be as low as 17 percent. Therefore, this can be a good choice for anxiety disorders.
Anxiety disorders are inappropriate fear responses. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is the mac daddy of anxiety disorders. There is free-floating anxiety which is not attached to a particular trigger. The client is simply having a fear response to all of life instead of a specific trigger such as social situations or spiders, but may also be afraid of those things included in other anxiety disorders.
The causes may include specific traumas but there may also be no particular cause. Population genetics suggests some persons will be in the upper tier of anxiety experiences which are also increased alertness which has survival utility in past environments.
Some people find medical marijuana helps tremendously with their anxiety. However, others find that it causes them to become more anxious. Unfortunately, scientists are unable to predict who will have a relaxation effect versus who will have an anxiety reaction. The good news is that anxiety reactions are short-lived and eventually rebound into profound relaxation.
Social Media Medical Reviews
Reddit user, positive
Reddit user, positive, ‘real good stuff…’
Reddit user, positive
Purple Haze Weed Price
Vendor: Pakalolo 1528 SE Holgate Blvd Steps from Orange Line stop at 17 &Holgate, Portland, OR Visit website Strain name: Select Elite – 1g Purple Haze Monday 10am-10pm |
Vendor: Chalice Farms Powell (Recreational) 5333 SE Powell Blvd, Portland, OR Call (503) 788-9999 Visit website Strain name: Purple Haze Monday 8am-9:30pm |
Purple Haze is a mellow smoke. THC may be just around 17 percent. You are using this weed to handle mild stress and pain but still be able to function. If you are working from home and not operating heavy machinery you can smoke the work day away, get everything done without the trauma of having used most of your working hours doing something both unpleasant and unmeaningful like most people do. You therefore will not be angry at everyone else due to ‘working hard’ rather than living a fun, meaningful life. Good luck and good toke!
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