How can you beat a hair follicle drug test?

How does Hair Follicle Test Work?

This test involves removing a small amount of hair from your scalp or body, and then analyzing to see if there has been any drug use for the previous three months. This test is used to check for drug use over a longer period of time.

In fact, saliva tests only can be used to detect drug use up to 1-3 days. Blood and urine tests have a longer detection period, while hair tests can be used to detect drug use over several months. Hair tests are sometimes required for jobs where it is important to not use drugs like security agencies or truck drivers. The Journal of law and technology describes how court ordered hair drug tests are being more common in the legal system. There are times a hair follicle drug test is used with divorce, child custody or probation cases.

A new White Paper published by ASAM states that government departments required certified labs to report the results to the MRO from all Department of Transportation tests. This data are also needed in employment negotiations, and by members of the legal professions.

In workplace testing, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)-certified laboratories must report quantitative values to the MRO on all Department of Transportation results. Quantitative values are also required in some collective bargaining situations and by some courts; lawyers and judges sometimes want them.

In these tests, there are quite a few drugs that they test for, including stimulants, benzos, ecstasy, marijuana and sometimes designer drugs like Spice. It has been reported that for every 90 days, the hair grows half an inch.

As Washington City Paper states, drugs tests could test back even further when dealing with people with long hair. It begs the requisition whether or not you should cut your hair or leave it long? Logically, older hair will have lost some of the drug residues, but it may records a longer history with it. With shorter hair, there would be less history but a higher drug concentration that would be found in the hair. Where do the testers cut the hair? Near the end of the hair or the area around the scalp? Let’s continue to look into this. It could determine your livelihood, so it’s definitely important. Lower, you can see Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid and Zydot Ultra Clean, that can aid you.


Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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The Macujo Method to pass a hair follicle drug test:

  • Rinse hair thoroughly. Rub vinegar into your scalp and rub down throughout the scalp, hair that is the costs to the scalp is tests, so concentrate on rubbing the roots of your hair.
  • Use the Clean and Clear in the same way, then wear a shower cap and leave it for thirty minutes.
  • Give your hair a thorough rinse.
  • Use Toxin Rid twice with shampoo.
  • Then wash your hair using a few drops of Tide detergent.
  • Shampoo your hair with Zydot Ultra Clean.
  • You need to do this three times on the day before the test, and once on the day of the test.

The Jerry J Method:

  • If you are using weed, please stop smoking it ten days before the test. Bleach and dye your hair with a day that contains ammonia.
  • Then, wash your hair with Toxin Rid or another shampoo used for detoxing.
  • The day before the test, you can bleach and dye your hair again.
  • On the day of the test, you can rub baking soda paste into hair, you need to have it in your hair for fifteen minutes so you an flush the drug residues out, then shampoo your hair the detox shampoo.

Bleaching and Dying alone can be effective as well.

Hair follicle drug test detection times

hair dose-response chart

A drug testing business has created this chart. It demonstrates that with low usage of some drugs, you still stand a chance of getting past one of these drug tests, but with high use, there is just no way. It also shows that for marijuana, the amount hanging around in your fat cells does not say how much you’ve been using, because people store and get rid of marijuana metabolites at such different rates.

 How long does marijuana stay in your hair follicles?

marijuana stay in your hair

This chart confirms that the ninety day rule is correct of detecting drugs in your hair, including how long THC stays in your hair follicles. It is important to remember that these companies also undertake nicotine tests as smokers are more like to increase health-care costs due to their related health problems.

Pros and Cons of Hair Follicle Drug Tests

  • The Detection Period of 90 Days
  • Does not require the privacy of a urine test
  • It does not require poking to get blood
  • It has a longer detection period compared to other types of drug tests
  • Not easy to fool like urine tests where rates for users who report their drug use are triple the catch rate. Users fool urine tests through substituting a clean person’s urine, adulterating the urine with masking agents, or diluting the urine so that drug metabolites are at lower levels
  • Hard to beat the test for any chronic use of drugs
  • These tests get more positive rates than other methods, more closely mirroring rates for people who self-report their drug use
  • Strands of long hair can reveal a long drug history
  • Scares drug users off more than other tests
  • Saliva tests are easier to administer
  • The other tests are cheaper
  • The test isn’t able to detect drug use in the last few hours, therefore not good for post-accident testing
  • Urine tests can discover the use of drugs in the previous few hours, hair follicle tests cannot
  • Urine tests are approved by the Department of Transportation, hair follicle tests are not
  • Urine collection is rarely observed, and when observed, employers or testers can run into legal problems for looking at someone’s junk
  • Hair follicle tests can’t truly tell how bad one’s drug problem is
  • Hair follicle tests are perhaps the most expensive drug test option
  • Saliva tests may be considered less invasive, some people are very protective of their hair
  • Hair follicle tests, it will take 5 to 10 days for the drug to get in the hair follicle and be detectable
  • Takes a long time to get hair follicle results back while urine test results are often immediate

 Pass a hair drug test in 24 hours (1 day)

It’s not clear as day that people are taking intentional actions to get their tests cleared, but it is clear that people are sometimes passing the test after having used drugs, sometimes regularly, within the 90-day window. How do they do it?

The two methods that are mentioned online that are popular are The Jerry G and the Macujo Method. We are not sure how these names came about exactly, so if you know please let us know.

The Jerry G Method

It is said this method is named after a profile on a drug test forum. Let’s be real, this method could ruin your hair, or cause an inflammatory reaction. Proceed with caution if you have never used bleach, follow all the instructions on the box, and for the most part, don’t do anything you wouldn’t normally do. If you’ve never bleached your hair, proceed with caution.

Step by step guide Jerry G Method:

Step 1. Jerry G said the user needs to stop smoking marijuana for ten days. This is 1/9 of 90 days, so that’s 1/9 fewer drug residues you will have in your hair anyway. If you hadn’t been using many drugs, to begin with, this might be enough. So, by all means, don’t proceed to step 2 if there’s no need.

Step 2. After this, you can then bleach your hair with the specific hair die on the day that you stopped smoking. This helps to flush out the contents of the cuticles, and this will probably work. This is because if bleach changes the pigment in your hair, it should also be able to flush all those remaining bits of drugs from your hair too or least change the chemical structure. At this point, if you’ve dyed your hair before and didn’t get damaged hair or burning scalp, then you might come out of this none the worse for wear.

Step 3. You wanna wash your hair out with one of those colorful detox shampoos like Toxin Wash. Some successful looking hair-washers feel like you need a shampoo with Aloe and Toxin Rid. This may or may not be the case. Do your research, you are welcome to let us how it goes for you.

Step 4. On the last day (day 10), repeat and bleach and dye it again, and repeat with an aloe-based shampoo. For example,Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid.

Step 5. Day of the test, you’re gonna rub baking soda past on your scalp. Maybe you’ve never done this before, but baking soda is fairly safe. Leave it for 15 minutes then wash it out. That’s gonna neutralize acids in the hair and may help wash out or neutralize drug residues. Wash your hair again with your detox aloe detox shampoo.

Step 6. The coup de grace, wash your hair with the Ultra Clean Shampoo.

We would say this approach has fairly good theoretical underpinning, flush out the cuticle contents by breaking it down. We know it gets inside the hair cuz otherwise, it couldn’t affect the pigment. There are no dangerous ingredients in the case of people who have done it before and know they don’t go into anaphylaxis from hair dye. If we had to endorse one, we would say this method is generally safe. You can dye your hair two times, it is complicated, cuz it contains some ingredients one would not safely put in one’s hair. Next is Macujo method.

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo with Zydot Ultra Clean ShampooZydot Ultra Clean ShampooToxin Rid 3 Day Detox Program
Aloe toxin rid and zydot ultra clean
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
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Pass a hair drug test in 24 hours (1 day): The Macujo Method


  1. Sink
  2. Warm water
  3. Towel
  4. Goggles (this should let you know, not to be taken lightly)
  5. Disposable Gloves (This is for if you have wounds on your hands, not for sensitive hands. If your hands are ‘sensitive’, then so is your scalp and you shouldn’t be using this method). Change gloves after dealing with each chemical.
  6. Shower caps
  7. Vinegar, normal grocery store stuff
  8. Pink Clean and Clear acne wash, if you had acne as a teen, you are very familiar
  9. Toxin rid shampoo with Aloe
    or another aloe-based, preferably detox shampoo
  10. Pack of liquid Tide detergent
  11. Ultra Clean by Zydot shampoo

You should notice quite a few of these ingredients are not safe to put in your hair. If you have ever had any inflammatory reaction to putting anything on the skin or scalp, I would say skip this method. Anyone with high levels of inflammation or allergies is gonna react to this stuff. Also, if it’s burning too badly, you are gonna want to abort. Pain is not just a phantom ghost in the machine, it is the conscious correlate of physical inflammation that is surely happening.

That means damage is either happening, or the channels that respond to damage are being toyed with and an inflammatory reaction from the immune system is gonna respond and cause a lot of collateral damage. That’s why some these burns are not brought on by the chemical burning your skin at all, it’s caused by the immune system responding and burning your skin, thinking there must be dangerous microbes causing that kind of pain.

Here’s how to do it, brother:

The Macujo Method step by step guide:

  1. Firstly, you can use the vinegar. Original instructions say to thoroughly rinse the hair first, but my intuition suggests you don’t wanna do that because you’re just adding another barrier on top of the oil. Since you wanna remove the oil from your hair in order to get to the cuticle and break it open, go with the straight vinegar unless you have a sensitive scalp. Work it all the way to the roots. Remember, they are gonna cut the inch of hair at the roots. This suggests as well that you are gonna wanna have an inch and a half of hair on your head, so don’t cut it, or they will go into the armpit. I doubt they would go to the genitals but it’s possible if the job were important enough like the FBI. And you don’t wanna be putting all this stuff on your genital hair, so keep the hair on your head.
  2. Now, you are gonna work the Clean and Clear into your hair, with the vinegar still in. You’re gonna leave this in for 30 minutes with a shower cap on. This mixture is to break open the hair cuticle and access those incriminating drug residues the hair has been greedily hoarding.
  3. Rinse your hair thoroughly, get all that stuff out.
  4. Now you got to wash your hair with
    Aloe shampoo by Toxin Rid
  5.  Users who trust this method also caution that you must use the old patented shampoo, which is still sold presumably. However, if you can’t locate it, get a detox shampoo that contains aloe. If nothing else, the aloe will help prevent inflaming the scalp.
  6. Wash your hair with shampoo and then rinse it.
  7. Now, wash your hair with tide laundry detergent. If you tend to get itchy or if the idea seems repulsive, you can skip this step, but don’t then complain about the method not working. We all got to decide how much we are willing to risk. You are risking your hair and your scalp if you shampoo your hair with Tide detergent. The adage for today is: you really shouldn’t wash your hair or your clothes with anything you wouldn’t eat or you eventually lose track of all the toxins you are exposed to and then you get sick and can’t find out what’s causing it, but that’s a discussion for better times. Right now, you got to get this job or avoid prison. This is important.
  8. Finally, right before your test wash your hair using the Zydot Ultra Clean.
  9. Perform this method 3 times on the day prior to the drug test, and one time on the test day. Now, you have broken open the hair cuticle and gotten out the drug metabolites.

Does this method work? There are no scientific studies on it that we are aware of, but we know some who use it have passed their test despite regular drug use. We also know that various detox and masking agents that were once considered myths are actually now scientifically proven to beat drug tests and drug companies are constantly evolving ways to beat the cheat methods. Scientists and drug-makers don’t have a monopoly on access to reality.

If you can find the right chemical to throw into the mix, you can discover something that works that will take them months and thousands of dollars to study and find out how to detect or beat it. So, believe in yourself and make sure any risks you take are worth it. With the Macujo method, you are definitely risking your hair and your scalp. Your hands too if you don’t put some gloves on. You could risk your eyes if it leaks into your eyes. This is not a risk you should take unless your livelihood is really on the line.

The Jerry G method is quite a bit safer. You could also modify the Macujo method by, for example, taking out the laundry detergent. Detergent has the proteases in it that break down the drug residues. Maybe try bromelain or papain instead, meat tenderizers you can get from the grocery store. First, try it out by soaking some wet hair in the meat tenderizer. Make sure that the level of tenderness the hair attains is not too tender for you and your hair isn’t too broken to be tested on. But, meat tenderizer is totally edible, so it’s not gonna be too harsh on your scalp. You just don’t want your hair to come out so tender that it’s falling apart.

Detergent also contains enzymes that can ruin your hair and maybe even leech into the bloodstream. So, at the very least, if you can’t afford damaged hair, don’t use this method. If you are applying for a job as a hair model, don’t use this method to dupe a test, the hair may get ruined.


Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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Home Remedies

Bleaching and Dying, the science

Using bleach to pass a hair drug test is still quite unique. One must be careful to bleach and color your hair if your hair looks bleached as the tester will get suspicious.

The bleach oxidizes the melanin inside your hair and dye adds back your original hair color so that the hair does not look bleached and also seals the remaining drug residues in so that they are not easy to test for.

Believe it or not, this approach has been studied scientifically. A study published by the International Journal of Legal Medicine compared a group with untreated hair and a group treated with bleach and dye. They looked at two of these cosmetic treatments. Hair bleaching occurs when hair locks are color lighter, while other locks are left untreated. Dying means that the all strands of hair are colored to look like the original colored hair. For bleaching, you need to be a drug user as a requirement and for dyed samples only a segment of the hair shaft should be left untouched. Living subjects were looked at and all had treated their hair before the collection of their samples.

The length was different for each participant, but in each of the samples there was detectable different between treated and untreated hair. For example, opiates and cocaine was studied from ten female drug users in Spain. In this study, five of them used bleach and the other dyed their hair. Some of these women used different drugs at the same time, so opiates were looked at in six cases, cocaine was looked at in seven cases and cannabis in four cases. Nicotine was also looked at in eight samples of hair.

They found in every case that detectable drug metabolites had decreased compared to untreated hair. Take that, drug testers, invaders of the privacy of Americans. However, they also found that the decreases in detectable drug metabolites were pretty much equal to the amount of hair damage you have. So, you should expect to damage the hair. Just make sure it is not obvious that you were trying to beat the drug test.

The following drug metabolites decreased by 40 to 60%:

  • 6-diacetylmorphine
  • benzoylecgonine
  • cocaine
  • codeine

That is totally enough for many people to pass a drug test, so skip any harmful methods which may be suggested unless you are desperate. Harmful and unsafe methods are not necessarily more effective. It just makes people feel like it must be more effective because it’s costing them so much pain or money.

For morphine, they found a greater than 60% reduction. Good news for morphine addicts, a rarity. Definitely get help if you are addicted to morphine. But even morphine addicts got to have a job to be able to buy food on which to survive, no matter how tragic their plight. For THC, they found only a 30% reduction.

So, a higher percentage of THC than metabolized THC-COOH remained present. They thoroughly examined the hair and confirmed that it was not the method, bleaching or dying, that made the difference, it was how much damage had been inflicted upon the hair, so that may be something you can’t avoid.

Shaving: Don’t

Shaving is the most intuitive thing to do and is also a fail if you get rid of all your hair If you do, the testers will look at other areas of your boy, if they can’t they will do a blood or urine test. You might even get disqualified, especially if they find out you had hair prior to showing up. So, don’t try shaving, it will most likely end up worse.

Detox Products: hair follicle drug testing shampoo

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid is the best and most powerful detox shampoos on the market. There are a lot of positive reviews on this shampoo from users that successfully got past their drug test. It’s not such big money if you need to save/get your job. With this Toxin Rid Shampoo they give you for free Zydot Ultra Clean, so you get what you need for the Macujo and Jerry G Method.

Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean
Aloe toxin rid and zydot ultra clean
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Zydot Ultra Clean

This brand is also cited in the methods above. This very popular shampoo could run you less than $40. This makes much more sense to us. Most likely, neither shampoo does anything special. You just need something that removes oil and residues. Shampoos are not usually bought in order to cause damage to the hair, but the fact is, the damage will help you pass this drug test.

It must be damaged but intact hair, with fewer signs of tampering if you can, so don’t use a hair dye that is obviously not your natural color.

As far as ingredients, they look rather much like common shampoo ingredients, but it’s not overly pricey so that’s fine. There is also aloe very that will reduce the redness and swelling you’re gonna get if you stick all those chemicals in your head (for a good cause we presume).

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
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Zydot Ultra clean detox shampoo to pass a hair follicle drug test:


  • Alpha-Glucan Oligosaccharide
  • Aqueous Extract of Aloe Vera
  • Avocado Oil
  • Butyl Methoxydibenzoyl Methane
  • Caprylic / Capric Triglyceride
  • Carbon
  • Ceramide 3
  • Cetearyl Alcohol
  • Citric Acid
  • Cocamide DEA
  • Cocamidopropyl Betaine
  • Distearyldimonium Chloride
  • DM Hydantoin
  • Fragrance
  • Guar Hydroxypropytrimonlum Chloride
  • Hydrolized Wheat Protein
  • Hydroxyethylcellulose
  • Methychloraisothiazolinone
  • Methylisothiazolinone
  • Methylparaben
  • Octyl Methoxycinnamate
  • Panthenol
  • Polyglyceryl-3 Disterate
  • Polyquaternium-10
  • Potassium Chloride
  • PPG-10 Cetyl Ether
  • Propylene Glycol
  • Propylparaben
  • Sodium Chloride
  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate
  • Sodium PCA
  • Sodium Thiosulfate
  • Steareth-2
  • Stearyl Alcohol
  • Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate
  • Tetrasodium EDTA
  • Tocopheryl Acetate
  • Triethanolamine
  • Water
  • Wheat Amino Acids

As far as ingredients, they look rather much like common shampoo ingredients, but it’s not overly pricey so that’s fine. Also, there is aloe vera, which will reduce the redness and swelling you’re gonna get if you stick all those chemicals in your head (for a good cause we presume).


Does hair follicle drug testing shampoo really work to beat a drug test?
Old-Style Toxin Rid get a lot of complements by users, and I wanted to mention Zydot is also worth trying as it is not too expensive and it has Aloe Vera in it. Aloe Vera will help reduce any inflammation that may develop as part of your hair treatment. The truth is the detox shampoo will not be effective, so make sure to use a harsher shampoo. Since it’s merely an accessory to the crime, you might not want to break the bank.
Does bleaching work?
Yes it does, they are scientifically proven to reduce detectable drug concentrations. The mechanism seems to be merely damaging the hair, altering the drug metabolites, removing them, or pushing them deeper into the hair cortex so that they are harder to detect. In any case, damage to the hair is the hallmark of hair which has fewer levels of detectable drug residues. So, go ahead and make it a breaky, frizzy, bad hair day if you have to. Your job or your freedom could be on the line, you may have to sacrifice some hair.

Can Macujo method damage your scalp or eyes?

If you are going to try anything that could be damaging, like the Tide drops, make sure it’s for a very good cause, your livelihood, or your freedom. Else, just do the safer options and follow the directions on the bottle for bleaching or dying. These are causing intentional damage to your hair but people are willing to make that trade-off just to look different. Hair bleach and dyes have their own warnings on the bottle and they can damage your eyes if you’re not careful.


Is it possible to beat a hair follicle drug test? Social media says the answer is yes. We’re going to say the answer is yes. But, there is a catch, there is always a catch. The catch is that you have to damage your hair. How else are you going to get the drugs out? You got to crack some eggs to make an omelet. The same principle, you got to crack open some hair cuticles to cleanse them. The best way to do this for people who have dyed their hair before is to dye it again, maybe even twice.

Bleach it and dye it, both may work better than either alone. The study referenced below showed more than a 60% reduction in one drug metabolite, morphine. That’s superstar status right there, and that’s more effective than any detox shampoo you’re going to get. Shampoos are made to flush the hair, not damage it. You are going for as much damage you can do and still have the hair intact. You’re going to fry it, don’t think you want. But, that’s the point.

So make sure it’s important. Your hair will grow back at a rate of about 1.5 inches every 90 days. It is not legal for the testing company to test more than 1.5 inches of hair because that reveals a drug history longer than 90 days. In that, the law is on your side. So, bleach, dye, shampoo and you’re golden.

Disclaimer:  Leaf Expert is publishing general information about common practices and making comparisons, not encouraging or endorsing them. If you are going to purchase a detox product or use a method, make sure it is legal in your jurisdiction.


Jurado, C., Kintz, P., Menéndez, M., & Repetto, M. (1997). Influence of the cosmetic treatment of hair on drug testing. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 110(3), 159-163. Retrieved 1 6, 2019, from

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