Traveling with medicinal cannabis

Traveling with medicinal cannabis

Just like other people, medical patients like to take a vacation every now and then. Or visit a relative abroad. In general, it is strictly illegal to travel with cannabis. But for medicinal cannabis some exceptions may apply. Always make sure you have the proper documents with you!


The official regulations to obtain medicinal cannabis in a Dutch pharmacy are explained on the website of the OMC ().



If you want to bring medicinal cannabis with you to one of the so-called ‘Schengen’ countries, you will need an official statement. The Schengen countries are:

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.

On the you can find more information, and download . The form needs to be filled in by the doctor who prescribes you cannabis. Subsequently, the form needs to be signed by the Health Care Inspector.

Be aware that these steps may take considerable time. Start the procedure on time!

Other countries

If you are planning to bring cannabis with you to other (non-Schengen) countries, you need an official statement IN ENGLISH from your prescribing doctor. More information and an example of such a medical statement can be found on the .

IN NO CASE take medicinal cannabis with you when you leave the Netherlands, without the proper documents. The legal consequences can be severe, even within Europe! In particular the United States and several Asian countries have a very strict policy on cannabis, with serious punishments. Be aware that the typical Dutch distinction between ‘soft’ drugs and ‘hard’ drugs does not exist in other countries. Medicinal use is most often not considered as a valid excuse.


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