Does Magnum Detox Drink Really Work?

Magnum Detox Drink reviews online are all commercial but ours are strictly scientific. This Magnum Detox Drink by Magnum Detox review is the only scientific review of Magnum Detox Drink to pass a drug test, pass a saliva test, to pass a urine drug test, and locations near me to buy the drink. We got directions to get real results. We tell you how long does it last to mask cannabis sativa use?
Magnum Detox Drink

Magnum Detox Drink Instructions

Magnum Detox Drink Instructions

Magnum Detox Drink comes in four flavors to cleanse your palate. These are blueberry, watermelon, lemon-lime, and tangerine. The bottle is fun looking and inconspicuous. It just looks like a tasty fruit drink, nothing to see here officer. If you have lab tests for probation, it may be worth a try to get a detoxifying effect to pass urinalysis tests for drugs.

Magnum Detox Drink step by step guide

  1. Don’t use drugs that will be tested for two days before test day and drink lots of water with electrolytes.
  2. Drink the entire bottle an hour before your drug tests for alcohol, for opiates, or marijuana after using Magnum Detox Drink for THC detox.
  3. Pee a lot and let your test piss be a second or third piss after taking Magnum Detox Drink.


  • Biotin
    Biotin is B7. It will make your pee yellow and may be measured in saliva or urine (Bristol, 2012).
  • Calcium
    Calcium is essential for muscle contraction. Levels may be measured to determine if a urine sample is dilute (Bronner & Pansu, 1999).
  • Chromium
    Chromium is a factor in fat metabolism used by those interested in passing a cannabis or hash drug test. However, there are tests that will detect attempts to adulterate with chromium. (Heard & Mendoza, 2007)
  • Copper
    Copper is a normal part of the human diet. As a metal, it may interfere with drug tests. It may be measured to determine the completeness of a urine sample. (Hong, Duncan, & Dietrich, 2010)
  • Creatine Monohydrate
    Creatine monohydrate is used because the test for pot will check your creatinine levels and if too low, will know the sample is dilute (Ropero-Miller, Paget-Wilkes, Doering, & Goldberger, 2000).
  • Folic Acid
    Folic acid is vitamin B9 and makes your piss-yellow (B vitamins and folic acid – NHS Choices, n.d.).
  • Iron
    Iron is necessary to carry oxygen throughout the body. Iron levels may be measured to determine if urinalysis is completely normal or dilute (Herbert, et al., 1997).
  • Iodine
    Iodine destroys morphine and some drugs on contact but is less effective at destroying marijuana. (The ABCs of Marijuana and Drug Testing, n.d.)
  • Magnesium
    Magnesium is required for many metabolic processes. Levels may be measured to qualify a urine sample. (Cn, Jm, Sjøgaard, & I, 1987)
  • Manganese
    Manganese is a cofactor in human metabolism. It is a less toxic metal which may be used to reduce the accuracy of lab tests for drugs.
  • Niacin
    Niacin is commonly used to break down fat cells so they leak THC from a pot which can then be eliminated. However, niacin is dangerous in high doses. This drink has only 1%, but don’t have two or more of these at one time to avoid getting too much niacin.
  • Pantothenic Acid
    Pantothenic acid is vitamin B5 which aids in opening up fat cells so marijuana leaks before tests and cannot be detected.
  • Phosphorus
    Phosphorus is found in the body in small amounts. Phosphate levels may be detected in tests to determine adulteration or dilution (Menon & Ix, 2013).
  • Potassium
    Potassium helps balance electrolytes in those consuming large amounts of fluid. (Holbrook, et al., 1984)
  • Riboflavin
    Riboflavin helps maintain the yellow color of urine and also oxidizes THC, detoxifying the blood and urine. (Brogan, Eubanks, Koob, Dickerson, & Janda, 2007)
  • Selenium
    Selenium protects from metal toxicity. One may need it with this formula (Kanekura, et al., 2005).
  • Sodium
    Sodium is used to judge the completeness of a urine sample during testing. (Goulet & Asselin, 2015)
  • Thiamine
    Thiamine can work as an antioxidant to get rid of toxins in the body so they can’t be detected. It can also help keep the urine a yellow color. (Lukienko, Mel’nichenko, Zverinskii, & Zabrodskaya, 2000)
  • Vitamin A
    Vitamin A levels may be measured to show completeness of a urine sample. Also, vitamin A is fat-soluble and may help open up fat cells or mask marijuana. (Common Laboratory (LAB) Values [ V ] – serum vitamin A, C …, n.d.)
  • Vitamin B12
    Vitamin B12 will make the urine dark yellow during THC tests for probation or tests for alcohol, or for opiates. It is also necessary for normal metabolism needed to speed detoxification. (Vitamin B12, n.d.)
  • Vitamin B6
    Vitamin B6 will help the urine maintain a yellow color during cannabis tests and will also help detox the liver. (Manore, 1994)
  • Vitamin C
    Vitamin C is said to provide fuel for detox. High levels will also detox marijuana from the intestines. It may also help the immune system function when exposed to toxins. (Heuser & Vojdani, 1997)Your copper level could be measured to detect dilution. (Rahmaniyan, Johnston, & Tamura, 2003)
  • Vitamin D
    Vitamin D is necessary for normal functioning. Levels may be measured to determine if things are not dilute (Kulie, Groff, Redmer, Hounshell, & Schrager, 2009).
  • Vitamin E
    Vitamin E is needed for normal circulation which can help speed elimination of toxins (Lodge, 2005).

Manufacturer, Support, Certificates

Magnum Detox
+1(877) 335-2333

+1 (559) 635-8777

+1 (559) 635-8798

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These are detox supplements, not medications. They contain vitamins and supplements. They are not meant to treat disease or for illegal activity.

Add Ons

Magnum Detox has products to cleanse blood, urine, and saliva, including:

  1. Magnum Detox™Clean Start™
  2. Magnum Detox™Instant Flush™
  3. Magnum Detox™1-Hour System Cleanser™
  4. Magnum Detox™Soft Gel™
  5. Magnum Detox™Saliva Cleansing Mouthwash™
  6. Magnum Detox™Hair Purifying Shampoo™

Pros and Cons

  • All vitamins and minerals
  • Contains b-vitamins for color
  • Contains Creatine Monohydrate
  • Has electrolytes
  • In a liquid form
  • Many flavors
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Not too much to drink
  • Quickly works
  • Appears to be available at Walmart, but not at CVS, or GNC.
  • You have to pee up a lot
  • Some of the vitamins are dangerous in high doses
  • Not enough creatine to give you energy
  • New tests are detecting vitamins and minerals used during dilution

Q&A about Magnum Detox Drink

For what period of time do Magnum detox’s detoxifying effects work?
Take it one hour before your test.
Can zinc fool a drug test?
One study listed in the references section suggests it can.
Can too many vitamins harm me?
Yes. Don’t double up on this drink. Too much niacin or Vitamin A isn’t good for you.
Does Magnum Detox Drink work the same day?
Yes. It should reduce toxins to levels not detectable within one hour.
Does Magnum Detox Drink have a money-back guarantee?
What is the cost?
$34.95 USD

Magnum Detox Drink Reviews from customers

Positive Magnum Detox Drink Reviews

Positive Magnum Detox Drink Reviews

This reviewer claims it worked even smoking the day before.

Positive Magnum Detox Drink Reviews

This user gives a positive review, but few details.

Critical Magnum Detox Drink Review

Critical Magnum Detox Drink Review:

This user claims it tasted bad but worked like any dilution method.

Social Media

Magnum Detox Drink Social Media

Magnum Detox Drink Social Media

This user claims he passed.  Unlike most fake posts, he came back to post fake results. As a writer in the industry, I can almost assure you this post is fake. However, dilution with supplementation, done right, might work.


We’ve seen this formula before. It dilutes the urine then replaces creatine and vitamins so the urine appears normal. This sometimes works, but drug tests are getting more and more sensitive to detecting a dilute sample with supplements in it. Also, don’t take more than one of these. Niacin, vitamin A, and other ingredients are not safe in overdose.

Scientific Studies

B vitamins and folic acid – NHS Choices. (n.d.). Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Bristol, U. o. (2012). Biotin. Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Brogan, A. P., Eubanks, L. M., Koob, G. F., Dickerson, T. J., & Janda, K. D. (2007). Antibody-Catalyzed Oxidation of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129(12), 3698-3702. Retrieved 7 21, 2018, from

Bronner, F., & Pansu, D. (1999). Nutritional Aspects of Calcium Absorption. Journal of Nutrition, 129(1), 9-12. Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Cn, H., Jm, J., Sjøgaard, G., & I, H. (1987). A magnesium load test in the diagnosis of magnesium deficiency. Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Common Laboratory (LAB) Values [ V ] – serum vitamin A, C … (n.d.). Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Durham, S. H., Covington, E. W., & Clemmons, K. (2018). Hepatotoxicity Upon Using Niacin to Pass a Drug Test: A Case Report. Journal of The American Pharmacists Association. Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Heard, K., & Mendoza, C. D. (2007). Consequences of Attempts to Mask Urine Drug Screens. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 50(5), 591-592. Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Herbert, V., Jayatilleke, E., Shaw, S., Rosman, A. S., Giardina, P. J., Grady, R. W., . . . Gunter, E. W. (1997). Serum Ferritin Iron, a New Test, Measures Human Body Iron Stores Unconfounded by Inflammation. Stem Cells, 15(4), 291-296. Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Heuser, G., & Vojdani, A. (1997). ENHANCEMENT OF NATURAL KILLER CELL ACTIVITY AND T AND B CELL FUNCTION BY BUFFERED VITAMIN C IN PATIENTS EXPOSED TO TOXIC CHEMICALS: THE ROLE OF PROTEIN KINASE – C. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 19(3), 291-312. Retrieved 7 21, 2018, from

Holbrook, J. T., Patterson, K. Y., Bodner, J. E., Douglas, L. W., Veillon, C., Kelsay, J. L., . . . Smith, J. C. (1984). Sodium and potassium intake and balance in adults consuming self-selected diets. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 40(4), 786-793. Retrieved 7 21, 2018, from

Kanekura, T., Yotsumoto, S., Maeno, N., Kamenosono, A., Saruwatari, H., Uchino, Y., . . . Kanzaki, T. (2005). Selenium deficiency: report of a case. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 30(4), 346-348. Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Kulie, T., Groff, A., Redmer, J., Hounshell, J., & Schrager, S. (2009). Vitamin D: An Evidence-Based Review. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 22(6), 698-706. Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Lodge, J. K. (2005). Vitamin E bioavailability in humans. Journal of Plant Physiology, 162(7), 790-796. Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Lukienko, P. I., Mel’nichenko, N. G., Zverinskii, I. V., & Zabrodskaya, S. V. (2000). Antioxidant properties of thiamine. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 130(9), 874-876. Retrieved 7 21, 2018, from

Manore, M. M. (1994). Vitamin B6 and Exercise. International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 4(2), 89-103. Retrieved 7 21, 2018, from

Menon, M. C., & Ix, J. H. (2013). Dietary phosphorus, serum phosphorus, and cardiovascular disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1301(1), 21-26. Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Rahmaniyan, M., Johnston, K. E., & Tamura, T. (2003). Oral copper loading test in humans. Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine, 16, 61-66. Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Ramanujam, V. M., Anderson, K. E., Grady, J. J., Nayeem, F., & Lu, L. J. (2011). Riboflavin as an oral tracer for monitoring compliance in clinical research. The Open Biomarkers Journal, 2011(4), 1-7. Retrieved 7 20, 2018, from

Ropero-Miller, J. D., Paget-Wilkes, H., Doering, P. L., & Goldberger, B. A. (2000). Effect of Oral Creatine Supplementation on Random Urine Creatinine, pH, and Specific Gravity Measurements. Clinical Chemistry, 46(2), 295-297. Retrieved 7 20, 2018, from

The ABCs of Marijuana and Drug Testing. (n.d.). Retrieved 7 24, 2018, from

Vitamin B12. (n.d.). Retrieved 7 21, 2018, from George Mateljan Foundation:

Venkatratnam A, Lents NH. Zinc reduces the detection of cocaine, methamphetamine, and THC by ELISA urine testing. J Anal Toxicol. 2011 Jul;35(6):333-40. PubMed PMID: 21740689.

This article about Medical Marijuana was published on and updated on October 27, 2022 . Medical facts in this article was checked and article was medically reviewed by our . Author of this checked article is
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