Score: 5 out of 5, Grade: A. Great product. Lower, in the chart, you can see its opponent, Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid .
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo for Weed Detox Overview
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo Positive Reviews
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo Negative Reviews
The only negative we found is that this shampoo seems to need to be used many times or used as part of a method such as the Macujo method. One wash is not sufficient, but several washes will get more of the drug residues out.
Can I use Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo for weed detox (to pass a saliva test)
No. Use Zydot for hair drug testing.
Can I use Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo for THC detox to pass a drug test (to pass a urine drug test)?
No. Use Zydot for hair drug testing.
Does it claim to flush cannabis from the blood quickly?
No. Use Zydot for hair drug testing.
How long does it last?
We can expect a shampoo to last about 2 years from the purchase date.
How to Use Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo to cleanse hair of marijuana
Directions: Make sure you rinse your hair first, try to remove some oils. Apply the shampoo, make sure you get the roots because they will test the first 1.5 inches of hair. Wash several times before your test or use a method like the Macujo method with Zydot Ultra Clean.
Where to buy Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo near me?
Fox and Grapes
pretty cute
Our #1 Choice
Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean
Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
See Deal →
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
See Deal →
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo Instructions
How to Use Zydot for Passing a Hair test For Probation or Other tests
Directions for conventional shampooing
Stop using whatever drugs you use as soon as you know you will need to take a hair drug test.
Get your hair plenty wet.
You will have 3 packets, the shampoo, purifier, and conditioner. Use ½ of the shampoo packet.
Get in into the roots, shampoo for ten minutes.
Put all the purifiers in and make sure you get up on the scalp.
Comb your hair with the purifier in it.
Let it sit for ten minutes then wash it out.
Shampoo with the rest of the shampoo, then rinse it out.
Put in the conditioner and leave it in your hair for 3 minutes. Rinse out and you’re done.
You need to do this at least 4 times before your test.
You can also use the Macujo Method with Zydot Ultra Clean.
Zydot has a 100 % money-back guarantee. You must send the barcode and receipt within 60 days. You have to indicate why you did not like the product. You have to leave a phone number in case they need to call you. You cannot return an unused product. You must use it and be dissatisfied to get a refund or replacement. It can take 4 to 6 weeks to process.
Pros and cons
This product gets good reviews online
A scientific study found a 36% reduction in THC in hair after one wash
Not as expensive as comparable products
It is part of the Macujo method which many people swear by
Some say they passed just by washing several times without using the Macujo method which contains things like Tide detergent you might not wanna put in your hair
Cost $34 bucks for what looks like one application. That’s far more expensive than a regular shampoo, though not as expensive as a detox shampoo like Nexxus
The box appears to only contain one application
In the study where they tested the product, one wash only removed 36 % of THC. This may not be enough if you have very high levels in your hair. In the study, the THC was still detectable. So, you may need several washes or to use the shampoo as part of a larger strategy
Our #1 Choice
Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean
Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
See Deal →
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
See Deal →
Q&A about Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
Does it work? Reviews suggest it will work as part of a larger method. Either the Macujo method, the Jerry G method, bleaching and dying, or just washing at least 4 times per day before the test.
Is it safe to put this stuff in my head? Zydot claims the product is all-natural and safe. However, if you use it as part of a larger method like Macujo, then you will be putting other things like acne wash and Tide detergent in your hair which can damage the hair and/or scalp.
How does it work? It breaks open the hair cuticle and gets them drug residues out. In order to do this, it has to break the cuticle. The more damage, the better. Zydot alone will not cause much damage, but if you use bleaching and dying with it, for example, studies have shown that this method is effective and the more damage there is to the hair, the fewer detectable drugs were discovered.
Can you use it on the hair on other parts of the body? Yes. Again, Zydot alone appears to be safe. You may not wanna do the other methods on your armpit hairs, but just in case they go there, especially you don’t have 1.5 inches of hair on your head, you might wanna shampoo your body hair a few times.
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo by Zydot Ultra Clean Review
Positive Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo Reviews
This Reddit user claims Zydot worked using the Macujo method in reverse. We assume he reversed the steps.
Positive Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo Reviews
This Reddit user actually found a scientific study of Zydot. The study did, in fact, find a decrease in all drug levels tested after one wash. The levels were still in the detectable range. However, users typically use the product multiple times, and also with various methods including the Macujo method and bleaching and dying, which is also scientifically proven to reduce levels of drugs in hair.
Positive Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo Reviews
This user passed the test using a structured method which included Zydot.
Social Media Review from Reddit (positive)
This user passed using a method similar to the Macujo method and including Zydot Ultra Clean shampoo.
5 out of 5 A, Good and safe
Zydot has very good reviews and a great buzz. People swear by this product. I have not seen anyone on social media say the product didn’t work. However, since people use the product in different ways, you can assume some people will use it in a way that is ineffective. It appears that you will need to, at the least, wash your hair 4 times per day before the test. If you have the bravery, you can use a method such as Macujo or bleaching and die, using Zydot to shampoo during the process. A study found that one wash will reduce THC residues by 36 % so theoretically, a few washes could get it out. However, studies also say the more damage you do to your hair, the fewer drugs are detectable. So, you can use Zydot alone and it will likely not damage your hair much but also, it might not get all the drugs out. So, you have to decide how bad you want this job and what kinda changes you are willing to take. If you use the Macujo method, I’m nearly certain some people are gonna have an allergic reaction to putting Tide detergent in their head, but it might be worth the chance to get that job. You can use bleaching and dying and Zydot to shampoo after. That method has proven effective but will surely damage your hair. All in all, Zydot is an excellent product. It can be used alone. Zydot can help your hair test clean for alcohol, for opiates, for weed, and other drugs. If you have already try Zydot and want to try something new, buy Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid.
General Medical Disclaimer
Leaf Expert is not dispensing medical advice. We are reviewing claims and assumptions about products used to detoxify the body.
FDA Disclaimer
The products reviewed and any claims considered here were not processed by the USA FDA. Detox drinks reviewed are not aimed at diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any illness.
Drug Screening Disclaimer
No product can promise 100 % to clear all toxins from your body in order for you to pass a drug urinalysis.
This article about Medical Marijuana was published on 02-25-2019 and updated on January 13, 2023. Medical facts in this article was checked and article was medically reviewed by our Leaf Expert Medical Team. Author of this checked article is DarylSeldon (MS) who is expert in Medical Marijuana
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