Marijuana Sherblato Review

Strain name info: Sherblato Marijuana Strain

Our Overall Rating:  4 out of 5 /  Best known for:  great gourmet taste

Positive Effects Sherblato_Strain_effects
Origin / ancestry Sherblato Type:  Sherblato is a hybrid of 70 % cannabis sativa and 30 % cannabis indica. THC levels are between 12 and 22 %. 

It is descended from:

  1. Sherbert or Sherbet
  2. Gelato

This strain is created by Flavour Savers.                                                                                             

Aromas, Flavors Sherblato has a scent and taste that has been described as:

  • Fruit
  • Citrus
  • Sherbet 
  • Tropical
  • Nutty
  • Cookie
  •  Sherblato Kush
May Relieve Sherblato is great for improving appetite. 
THC Content:

12 % to 22 %

CBD: 1 % 

Indoor/Outdoor Yield Indoor yields and outdoor yield are high, in excess of 20 ounces per square meter or per plant grown outdoors.
Flowering time Sherblato weed plants will flower in approximately seven to nine weeks.
Genetic Sherblato_Strain_Genetics
Harvest Sherblato weed plants are usually suitable to harvest in October in the  US.
Flowering type You are most likely to gain access to a photoperiodic strain of this plant for growing.
Disease resistance  Sherblato disease resistance is moderate. 
Plant Height Sherblato plants are tall, in excess of 7 feet. 
Adverse effects Sherblato doesn’t have many adverse effects, especially relative to other drugs which relieve pain. It can cause dry eyes and panic in susceptible persons. 
Growing Difficulty Growing  Sherblato: the difficulty is hard. 

History, Genetics, Origins

Sherblato plants have genetics which is 70 percent Sativa and 30 percent Indica. THC levels are 12 to 22 %.  Its parents are: 

  • Gelato
  • Sherbet  

Sherblato is a creation of Flavour Chasers. Its lineage also includes Pink Panties and Girl Scout Cookies. This is a weed bred to provide maximum flavor. 

Appearance and Smell

Sherblato grows tall. It can grow in excess of seven feet tall. It is tall and lanky like your average Sativa. The nuggets can be viewed above. There are light green, yellow, orange stigmas and white frosty trichomes that contain a high degree of THC. The smell and taste are of sherbet, citrus, cookies, and diesel, everything you could want in a gourmet strain.

How to Grow  Sherblato Cannabis Seeds or Cuttings

Growing weed from  Sherblato cannabis seeds or cuttings is of high difficulty. You may only find this strain sold in select locations and you may have a hard time finding seed vendors who have this strain and are willing to give you growing information. But nonetheless, it is still a weed. It is also a Sativa. And we know more about the growing parameters of its parents, Gelato and Sherbet.

We can therefore go ahead and get started. These plants will need to be monitored closely. In order to get this done, we can set up indoors. Growing indoors will cost you more money in lighting, watering, soil nutrients, and temperature control.  However, you will be better able to control the growth parameters. 

You will likely want to get a tent to grow in, that way there is a confined space where you can control the temperature and lighting, which in the end may save you money.  Put reflective lining around the inside of your tent to concentrate your light. Use high discharge lamps to feed your plants all the light they need. You can grow in 5-gallon flower pots to give your roots all the space they need to drink water and take up nutrients. 

First, you need to germinate your seeds. This is the easiest step. Here’s what you need:

  1. Two plates
  2. Two wet paper towels
  3. Several seeds

You need several seeds because you won’t know which ones are male or female unless you buy feminized seeds. You will want to remove the males to get maximum yields as soon as they differentiate during the vegetative stage.  

Now, sandwich your seeds in between your two wet paper towels. In 3 to 10 days, they will sprout a little root and/or leaf. Now they are ready to go into the ground.


Your seedlings will suck up the light, air, and water and start to grow big. You want to put your plants in loam, which is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay. Fertilizers can provide your organic nutrients.

Vegetative Stage

Your plants will do most of their growing during the vegetative stage.

 You can remove the males by identifying them according to the photos above. They will not produce your big buds but waste not want not, try to find something useful to do with them.  Once you switch your lighting schedule to 12 hours light, 12 hours dark, your plants will flower and produce in excess of 20 ounces per square meter. Outdoors,  you will also get a high yield. Grow in a sunny spot from March to October and let the earth do most of the work. Although California is the best place to grow in the states, people have and are growing marijuana all over the country successfully. Industrial hemp is being grown even more widely.

Medicinal Marijuana Review

 Sherblato cannabis plants are 30 percent Sativa and 70 percent Indica. THC levels are generally from 12 % to 22 % . 

Gourmet strains like Sherblato are great for increasing appetite and preventing nausea. Often, people who have cancer and are being treated with chemotherapy and radiation can lose appetite and experience nausea and vomiting so severe that they lose so much weight, they are in danger of death from malnutrition. Sherblato is a great strain for preventing this.

Because the taste is delicious, it’s easy for cancer-stricken users to take up the practice. THC levels are high but not high enough to be uncomfortable. The gourmet taste will dispel nausea and make it possible for patients to gain weight and be out of danger of malnutrition.  

Social Media Medical Reviews

Reddit user, “best quality”

Reddit user, positive, “awesome man”


Reddit, positive review


Reddit User, positive, “Very sedative…”


 Sherblato Weed Price

Vendor: Good Tree Delivery

Call 562-315-8955

Strain name: Hybrid flower


by Good Tree

THC 26.27%

½ ounce


$10 off

reg $129.99















Vendor: The Artist Tree Marijuana Dispensary and Weed Delivery Los Angeles

520 S. Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA

Call 213-985-1815

Strain name: Cartridges


by Ocean Cannabis Company

1 gram

















Sherblato is the consummate gourmet weed. The taste is sherbert, gelato, cookies, and diesel. It gets you high right away and the energizing Sativa effects first predominate. Then a strong wave of bodily relaxation makes your body feel like jello. But instead of making your brain foggy, it is a crisp high that leaves you thinking clearly. For this reason, it can be used for creative pursuits. Often, what interferes with creativity is simply bodily pain. Many artists use many drugs to overcome this, that is why addiction is so prevalent among actors and singers. Some of the best like Heath Ledger, Elvis Presley, and Michael Jackson had heavy drug problems. Even those such as Chester Bennington of Linkin Park who successfully maintained sobriety for many years chose suicide to fall back into the world of doing drugs and disappointing oneself and others.

Due to the stigma of drug use, many drug makers have made no attempt to find a drug-based solution to drug use. There are a few notable exceptions, methadone and suboxone for heroin addiction are two which are about as beneficial as having a doctor administer one’s drug of choice and it has been discovered that heroin replacement by having the clinic administer a fixed dose of heroin is as effective as methadone replacement at reducing overdose death, criminality, and economic repercussions of drug use and that surprisingly, most of such users eventually quit, with or without further supportive treatment.  For alcoholism, there is acamprosate and naltrexone. However, the science is lacking and funding mainly goes to therapies which in the end-use a moral appeal to try to confront a medical issue.

The upside of using marijuana to get rid of pains while engaging in creative pursuits is that the addiction, tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal are mild. There is virtually no overdose death. Poplularizers such as Snoop Dogg have given a vision of successfully using marijuana to improve creativity and social performance.  Sherblato strain has a sweet taste and smell and it is less likely to cause others irritation in public use such as at festivals and concerts. Good day, stay free of other drugs, and happy toking. 

For other pot info guide pages see:  http:/


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@SHERBLATO@ Marijuana Strain
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This article about Medical Marijuana was published on and updated on October 27, 2022 . Medical facts in this article was checked and article was medically reviewed by our . Author of this checked article is
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