Education Resources

Education Resources

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This page has reports [real life stories told by youth and young adults with disabilities] and links to other organizations and agencies that can give you information about education.


Tips For Surviving Your Freshman Year of College
The transition from high school to college can be hard but fun. In college you have a lot more responsibility to make sure you get what you need. This tip sheet shares what you need to know to survive (and have fun) in your first year of college.

Advocating for Yourself in Middle School and High School
How To Get What You Need

You should always be able to have the accommodations you need in school for your disability or health care needs. Sometimes it just takes some extra effort to get what you need. Just because you have a disability it doesn’t mean you can’t do as well as the other kids in school, you have the same rights to succeed.

Funding Higher Education
Whether you are in grammar school and the word “college” isn’t even in your vocabulary or in high school preparing for college, it is never too late (or too early) to start looking for funds. “Where do I start?” you may wonder. There are many resources available. Check out this tip sheet for ideas and resources on funding college.

Breaking Down Barriers: Going to College
This topic is important because college is up to the family and the
student. Everybody should have a choice to go to college.

Micah’s College Article
Micah wanted to go to college but he wasn’t able to apply and be accepted in the traditional way. Learn about how his dream is coming true as he shares his story.

Questions about College
Maia, a college student, is just finishing her freshman year at a major university. Before she chose to go there, she did a lot of research to find out is this was the right school for her. Maia shares some of the questions she thinks it may be important to ask. Use hers, and add your own!

Working with Students Who Have Physical Disabilities
College Student Naomi Ortiz helps college professors learn more about accommodating students with physical disabilities. Helpful tips for teachers and for student to use when communicating with their teachers.

How to Get the Most out of Your IEP
Tyler Feist, a ninth grader in North Dakota, tells his story about getting his IEP followed. Tips for students, and teachers can learn more about it from HIS perspective.

How My School Has Accommodated Me
Zach Feist, a fourth grader in North Dakota, has a hearing impairment. This does not keep him from being active. He tells us about his accommodations in this helpful one-pager.

The STAR Mentoring Program at Dartmouth College
Mara is a student at Dartmouth and has been very involved in the STAR Mentoring program. Read more about it!

Life in College–With a Disability
What is college really like for a person with a disability? Pretty much the same as a person without a disability, or at least this has been my experience. Read more about Maia’s experience at college!

How to Succeed in College
Dria is a third year political science major at UCLA, where she’s very active in disability advocacy-she’s both the President of the Disabled Student Union and the Undergraduate Representative on the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Disability. At the state level, Dria is a Youth Subcommittee member on the California Governor’s Committee for Employment of Disabled Persons.

Minority Scholarship Gateway List
Find out about COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS from the 100 Minority Scholarship Gateway List Created by Black Excel.

A Great School for Me
Nate has a neat school opportunity at a school at the Rawson Saunders School–a place that specializes in teaching students with dyslexia. Read all about it!


Student Transitional Guide to College
This guide was developed by a young person involved in the Oklahoma Youth Leadership Forum with his advice on how to prepare for postsecondary education.

Disability Friendly Colleges
This website on accessibility of college campuses has interactive charts of over 75 colleges!

New Mobility Article on Disability-Friendly Colleges
This article includes all kinds of checksheets and charts on accessibility of college campuses.

Think College
Doors to colleges are opening for people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities in many different ways all over the country. This website is designed to share what is currently going on, provide resources and strategies, let you know about training events, and give you ways to talk to others. The information is for transition aged students as well as adults attending or planning for college.

Mobility International USA
Offers various national and international study abroad programs for youth and adults with disabilities. One of their summer programs includes an all women’s exchange that deals with team-building activities among other cultures.

The Fape Project
The Family & Advocates Partnership for Education (FAPE) Web site. The Partnership is a new project which aims to inform and educate families and advocates about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 and promising practices. Click here to browse the many topics addressed at this site.

Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking & Technology Resources – College Preparation and Access, including links to information about Financial aid, working with faculty and accessible computer labs.

This is the CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) website. Is explains what is meant by “learning disabilities” as defined by the US Dept of Education.

This is the official website of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, within the Administration for Children and Families in the US Department of Health and Human Services (whew! Quite a mouthful!) It explains the US governments Developmental Disabilities Program, and addresses all elements of life, including: prevention, diagnosis, early intervention; therapy; education; training; employment and community living and leisure opportunities.

This is the official website of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, within the US Dept of Education. Their job is to support programs that assist in educating children with special needs. They also provide for the rehabilitation of youth and adults with disabilities, and they support research top improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. On the site, you can find information about the Office of Special Education Programs, and more!

Wrights Law
This is a commercial site with some information for parents, educators and advocates on special education. They offer a free online newsletter, but they’ll try to sell you the book. The newsletter provides information on special ed law, new legal decisions, research, internet links and other special education topics.

Very important site for folks who want to go to college. This site features sample essays and writing tips for those important entrance applications. You can even hire a professional editor to review your essay before you turn it in!

The Edlaw Center offers publications and services about education law (as if you couldn’t guess!). They have a monthly newsletter on “legal developments”, a Parent Advocacy Consulting Service and a manual about transporting students with disabilities.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Although this site is geared toward professionals, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association has some helpful resources and information about school benefits. Keep in mind, however, it is written for and by professionals, so there is a lot of jargon!

Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities
Your source for college financial aid information, including scholarships for general disability as well as some specific disabilities. There are even some book titles at the end that you can find at your local library to provide you with even more resources!!

Transition Planning for Youth with Disabilities
This site is a resource for transition planning for youth with disabilities. It has a lot of good information, but it is written for highly educated adults, not for youth. So, try it if you want, and if you find it somewhat interesting, I encourage you to send them an email encouraging them to write some documents for kids!

US Dept of Education
The US Dept of Education’s Web site offers the actual text of IDEA ’97 as well as other useful information on education policy.

Handling your Psychiatric Disability in Work and School
This site offers information on “Handling your Psychiatric Disability in Work and School”, including info on how to file complaints about discrimination in the classroom and basic study skills for students. *They also host a “jobschool” listserv where folks can share their experiences and concerns.

Reasonable Accommodations for People with Psychiatric Disabilities
This is an on-line resource for employers and educators on how to reasonably accommodate and employee/student with a disability. (It’s a good way to keep educators and employers “in track”.)

The Transition Coalition at the University of Kansas
The Transition Coalition at the University of Kansas, offers free publications, online training modules, project information and links to professionals, family members, individuals with disabilities and others interested in the transition from school to adult life.

National Information Center for Children and Youth (NICHCY)

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