Drug screening: How to pass a urine drug test in 24 hours

What is drug screening?

Drug screening is the process by which a testing technician tests a client for illegal or unhealthy drugs to ensure safety, compliance with the law, trustworthiness, reliability, health, and performance. People who do drugs may be a liability to an organization seeking employees, or they may run up health costs with health problems caused by drug abuse, even from smoking or alcohol. Drug tests are also used for medical purposes to assess the health and complications a potential user might experience and avoid contraindicated treatments.

How it works

There are three main types of drug tests: a urine test, a saliva test, and a hair test.

Urine test

During a urine test, the one being tested will urinate into a specimen cup. The urine specimen will be analyzed for various drugs like marijuana and even tobacco. A urine test will have a window of detection of up to 30 days.

Saliva test

A saliva test will involve a technician taking a swab of saliva from your mouth to then be tested for drugs. A saliva test will detect drug residues left within the last 2 to 4 days only.

Hair test

A hair follicle test will take a hair sample of the growth coming up to 1.5 inches from the scalp and test it for drug residues. These residues can be detectable for up to 90 days.

What is it used for?

Men’s Journal notices that drug tests are mostly used by employers. They might also be used for medical purposes to see if a patient’s symptoms may be caused by drug use or intoxication. They are used by drug courts to see if a drug user has been able to get his use under control.

Why do I need a drug test?

You’re gonna need a drug test to get a job buddy. You may need one to stay out of prison if you have to go to drug court.

What do the results mean?

You will not have to read your own drug tests. If you fail, generally there will be some faint line next to some drug codes and if there’s a line there, you’re busted, but you knew that anyway right?  You haven’t blacked out so bad you don’t remember that night at all. You know whatcha has done

Figure 1.

What drugs do tests detect?

What drugs are tested for depends on how many panels the drug test has?  A panel is one drug tested for.

12 Panel Test for Drugs

  • amphetamines
  • barbiturates
  • benzodiazepines
  • cocaine
  • ecstasy
  • marijuana
  • methadone
  • methaqualone
  • opiates
  • oxycodone
  • PCP
  • propoxyphene

10 Panel Test for Drugs

  • amphetamines
  • barbiturates
  • benzodiazepines
  • cocaine
  • marijuana
  • methadone
  • methaqualone
  • opiates
  • PCP
  • propoxyphene

Oxycodone and ecstasy are missing from this test compared to the 12-panel test. Wondering if they will do a 10-panel drug test near me?  Generally, they do more extensive tests for jobs where you will be entrusted to oversee things requiring serious security. They will do extensive tests for court and medical reasons. A pre-employment drug test for a less serious job will probably use a cheaper, lower panel test.

9 Panel Test for Drugs

  • amphetamines
  • barbiturates
  • benzodiazepines
  • cocaine
  • marijuana
  • methadone
  • methamphetamines
  • opiates
  • PCP

Oxycodone, ecstasy, and propoxyphene is missing from this test compared to the 12-panel test.

8 Panel Test for Drugs

  • amphetamines
  • barbiturates
  • benzodiazepines
  • cocaine
  • marijuana
  • methamphetamines
  • opiates
  • PCP

Oxycodone, ecstasy, methadone, and propoxyphene is missing from this test compared to the 12-panel test.

7 Panel Test for Drugs

  • amphetamines
  • barbiturates
  • benzodiazepines
  • cocaine
  • marijuana
  • opiates
  • PCP

Oxycodone, ecstasy, methamphetamines, methadone, and propoxyphene is missing from this test compared to the 12-panel test.

6 Panel Test for Drugs

  • amphetamines
  • benzodiazepines
  • cocaine
  • marijuana
  • methamphetamines
  • opiates

Oxycodone, ecstasy, methamphetamines, methadone, PCP, and propoxyphene is missing from this test compared to the 12-panel test.

5 Panel Test for Drugs

  • amphetamines
  • cocaine
  • marijuana
  • opiates
  • PCP

Oxycodone, ecstasy, methamphetamines, methadone, PCP, benzodiazepines, and propoxyphene is missing from this test compared to the 12-panel test. This is your momma’s basic at the home drug test.

The easiest method to pass a drug test home remedies

Pass a Urine Drug Test

The easiest way to pass a urine drug screen us to use a detox product that works by dilution. It needs to include b-vitamins, creatine, electrolytes, and instructions to drink a healthy amount of water. This will dilute the drug metabolites to low levels but keep the levels of electrolytes and creatinine measurable. We have reviewed detox products for you to find the absolute best. Let’s look now at how dilution works

Step by step guide using dilution method for a drug test home remedies

  1. Start three hours out of your drug test.
  2. Drink two liters of water over the course of 3 hours with a ¼ teaspoon of lite salt (potassium chloride and sodium chloride) and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. You don’t need to start earlier. You are not flushing out the drug metabolites, instead, you are diluting the urine.
  3. Take creatine, 5 grams, and a b-vitamin complex with your first drink. They will be looking for the creatinine in your urine to try to catch you diluting your urine. If you are caught, your result may come back invalid or diluted.
  4. Pee up to three times.
  5. Go to the testing center, pee in the collection cup, and good luck.

If you want an added sense that this is gonna work, use a detox drink and follow the instructions. Rescue Detox Ice is an example of a good detox/dilution product.

What not to do

Do not drink gallons and gallons of water 6 hours before the test. You’re gonna end up in the hospital for water intoxication which is a real health condition caused by electrolyte imbalance from drinking too much water. People have died from it.

Step by step guide for saliva test

  1. Abstain for 3 days. Saliva tests only have a detection window of up to 3 days. Even 2 days may do it, even 24 hours for some drugs. Therefore, soon as you know you will need to do a saliva test, abstain.
  2. Before the test, get 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and use it diluted with two parts water as directed on the bottle as a mouthwash (1 part peroxide, 2 parts water).
  3. Lay your head back and gargle with the mix, then swirl it around the mouth for one full minute.
  4. Spit it out.

Another option is to use a detox mouthwash like Stinger Detox Mouthwash.

What not to do:  swish harsh substances around your mouth which will cause peeling and allergic reactions, and possibly invalidate your test as well.

Stinger Mouthwash Instructions

  1. Stop using substances right away.
  2. Find Stinger Mouthwash online, a head shop, or a gas station.
  3. Take a little sip, swirl it around the mouth for a minute, then swallow it till it’s gone. Make sure it says to swallow on the formulation which you have. Most mouthwashes should not be swallowed. Stinger Detox Mouthwash is unique in that respect.
  4. Go take your saliva test.

What not to do:  spit out real Stinger Mouthwash, or swallow fake brand mouthwash. Follow the instructions on the mouthwash that you have. Most mouthwashes are not to be swallowed.

Hair Follicle Tests timeline

The best way to pass a hair follicle test is to dye your hair with a hair dye that uses a bleaching agent. Studies show that bleaching your hair will reduce drug residues up to 60 % with one bleach. You will then have to dye the hair a natural color because test administrators may not use your head hair if it looks bleached and dyed. The downside is that the more damage is done to the hair, the better the method erased drug residues. So you really wanna damage your hair to get the drug residues out.

The Macujo Method


  • water
  • Vinegar
  • Toxin rid shampoo with Aloe
  • Towel
  • Sink
  • Shower caps
  • Pink Clean and Clear acne wash
  • Pack of liquid Tide detergent
  • Goggles
  • Disposable Gloves
  • Ultra Clean by Zydot shampoo

Preparation for a Hair Follicle Drug Test

This is the most popular method to erase drug residues. We will give a short summary here.

  1. Work vinegar into your hair.
  2. Work the Clean and Clear in with the vinegar, leave in for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse it all out.
  4. Wash your hair with Toxin Rid.
  5. Shampoo and rinse.
  6. Shampoo hair with a few drops of Tide liquid detergent, don’t overdo it.
  7. Shampoo with Zydot Ultra Clean.
  8. Repeat 3 times the day of the test.

The Jerry G Method

Step by step guide for Jerry G Method

This is a method that involves bleaching and dying which is bolstered by scientific studies.

  1. Stop drugs for 10 days.
  2. Bleach and dye your hair. Make sure your kit contains ammonia.
  3. Wash your hair with a detox shampoo like Toxin Rid with Aloe on day 1. Don’t spend crazy money trying to get the old formula. Just get a good detox shampoo.
  4. Day 10, a day before the test, bleach, and dye again. You want to dye your real hair color because they may not use hair that looks dyed and may opt for an armpit or groin hair.
  5. On test day, put baking soda in your hair. Let it sit for 15 minutes then wash it out.
  6. Shampoo with Zydot Ultra Clean.

How reliable are urine drug screens?

A study of teens in the journal Pediatrics showed a false result in 12 percent of initial drug tests. This is daunting, except that many of these were due to teens beating the test, rather than one who is negative showing up positive. Some positives are also caused by prescribed drugs. This can lose you a job or have you in prison from drug court. So, you wanna avoid false positives by avoiding prescription and even OTC drugs before your drug test. Overall, a false positive drug test is unlikely but possible.

An evaluation done of police administered drug tests for DUI investigations found a false positive rate of just 2.25% (Crouch, Hersch, and Cook). Therefore, these tests are reasonably accurate, but you can certainly get a false positive, so argue your case if you believe you’ve gotten one. You could even use dilution successfully on a later administered test and maybe restore your good name.

Oral Swab Drug Tests Accuracy

We had to screenshot this study because it’s kinda complicated. They looked at the accuracy of oral swab drug tests. Keep in mind that these tests only detect drugs used within the last three days. They found reasonable accuracy for the tests, but it varied greatly with whatever drugs were used. Ora-Check did not do well for ketamine, opioids, cocaine, weed, or meth as you can see in the abstract. There was zero accuracies for weed, yay for that, and for the rest, you’re looking at 30 to 60 percent accuracy. We assume these are false negatives. DrugWipe tests did well on meth and opioids, but not good on special K, coke, and weed. Saliva screen worked well on meth and opioids, fair on ketamine and cocaine, but could not at all detect weed. DrugWipe appeared to be most accurate, so have your mouth wash Game down packed if you’re gonna get a DrugWipe test. Overall, you stand a good chance of beating a saliva test if you can just abstain for a few days.

Social Media Wisdom, Q and A

  Can you fail a test from eating poppy seeds?

This Reddit user claims to work at a drug-testing lab. We can verify from personal experience that in the past, you could certainly fail a drug test from eating poppy seeds. According to this technician, the cut off for detection has been decreased so that you can no longer fail from eating a normal amount of poppy seeds. If you drink poppy seed tea or something like that, you can possibly still fail.
  How long do drugs stay in your system chart?

This Reddit user was nice enough to show us how long most drugs will stay in your system, broken down by detection times for different types of drug tests.

  What’s the best way to pass a drug test on short notice?

This Reddit answerer brings up a topic we haven’t reached yet, substitution. As described, this is how the substitution is done in a homemade way. But there are many ways to do it, including using fake dongs prefilled with custom made fake urine. Cruise the site for how to use these products, we have it all laid out for you in extensive detail. The drug abuse definition doesn’t matter to testers. If you have any drug in you, you will be penalized, even if you are not a drug abuser.

  How to pass a drug test for THC?

Many people know, THC is the most stubborn drug metabolite, cuz it hides out in your fat cells for months. This user says people swear by Mega Clean and Rescue 5 Day. We know that these can work if dilution is used correctly. You can look at the reviews on this site to find out exactly which cleanses work and how to use them properly.

  What’s the date rape drug name and do they test for it?

This male was slipped a date rape drug. He did not pass out but could not remember the rest of the night. In this case, the date rape drug was GHB, or gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, a depressant which is a GABA agonist. GHB is not often tested for in drug screens but will be tested for in cases of suspected date rape. There is however no set ‘date rape drug’, many different drugs are used, including Rohypnol aka Flunitrazepam.


There are lots of ways to beat a drug test. But before you go and do this, make sure you don’t run afoul of the law. Detox products are not legal in some jurisdictions, and trying to fool a drug test itself can get you in some trouble. Therefore, check your state’s laws before you go out and get a detox product. All three main types of drug tests can be beaten and the knowledge of how to do so is known. Tests only have so much reliability and sensitivity. You should abstain as soon as you know you have a test, then you can use a method explored here just to get an added sense of security that your medical information will not be taken and used against you.


Crouch, Dennis J., et al. “A Field Evaluation of Five On-Site Drug-Testing Devices.” Journal of Analytical Toxicology 26.7 (2002): 493-499. 26 5 2019. https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12423006.

This article about Medical Marijuana was published on and updated on July 30, 2024 . Medical facts in this article was checked and article was medically reviewed by our . Author of this checked article is
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