Lazarus Naturals CBD oil comes in the form of coconut oil with healthy MCTs. Lazarus also produces other oils, tinctures, balms, and many CBD products. They even have products to specifically use on your pets. The main ingredient in each product is cannabidiol.
Cannabidiol is a cannabinoid that has been widely studied. It produces effects by binding to several receptors in the central nervous system.
Mechanisms of action of CBD
CB1 receptor agonist
CB2 receptor agonist
GPR3 (inverse agonist)
GPR6 (inverse agonist)
GPR12 (inverse agonist)
GPR55 (antagonist) receptors
Serotonin 5-HT1A receptor partial agonist
An allosteric modulator of mu and sigma opioid receptors
Glitazone receptor agonist
Inhibitor of fatty acid amide hydrolase, increasing levels of endogenous cannabinoids
Cannabidiol comes from the cannabis sativa, indica, and ruderalis plants. It is the second most abundant and second must study cannabinoid, behind THC. Unlike THC, cannabidiol does not produce a high.
Benefits of using Lazarus Naturals CBD Oil
Lazarus Naturals CBD Oil can be used for pain, anxiety, and a multitude of different discomforts. A doctor can prescribe CBD oil clinically for conditions like childhood and adult epilepsies, schizophrenia, chronic pain, insomnia, loss of appetite, Huntington’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and glaucoma. Disclaimer: We are not dispensing medical advice. You need a prescription from your doctor to use prescription CBD products like Epidiolex and Sativex for these and other disorders.
You can get the benefits of CBD with or without a prescription according to the laws of your jurisdiction. CBD is often used by laypersons for conditions of chronic pain, skin ailments, anxiety, and sleep.
Efficacy of Lazarus Naturals CBD Oil
Lazarus Naturals CBD Oil is 3rd party tested to assure that it contains the stated amounts of ingredients. Lazarus Naturals grows its own hemp and oversees the production of its CBD products from start to finish.
Lazarus Naturals’ coconut cannabis oil has the advantage of a great taste, MCT’s for those on a diet, and the fact that it can be eaten or used topically. The CBD is activated (decarboxylated) already, so you can use it raw, or as an ingredient in any dish you wish to make. You can put it in coffee and use it as a creamer.
It’s important to choose a product that has third-party testing as Lazarus Naturals does with its products. It has even published the potency results from third-party labs on the website so that you can check the potency results of each batch.
Lazarus Naturals’ CBD coconut oil is good for use for the elderly and children. It contains no psychoactive THC. It is in a form, a coconut hard butter, which is easy for children and the elderly to use. They can melt it and eat it and overdosing is not likely to happen or be very harmful, though dose should be watched carefully. CBD appears to have greater safety and fewer side effects than many other means of treating pain and anxiety symptoms.
CBD oil may be useful in pain conditions such as Fibromyalgia and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It may aid in reducing pain and hyperadrenergic symptoms.
An interesting study used CBD to erase the emotional memory of traumatic events. This makes CBD a promising treatment for depression caused by troubling upbringing and for PTSD. The memory may be retrieved through therapy, then CBD is applied within a 2-hour window causing the emotional response to the memory to be erased. The emotional response to the memory is extinct on a long-term basis (Song, Stevenson, Guimarães, & Lee, 2016).
Overall Description
We are focusing on Lazarus Naturals CBD coconut oil; however, Lazarus Naturals has a full-spectrum of CBD products.
Lazarus Naturals Coconut oil
Lazarus Naturals coconut oil is made from industrial hemp. It is processed with an alcohol extraction and standardized for CBD levels and the remaining cannabinoids and terpenes are included in the final extraction. This produces an oil high in CBD, MCT’s, cannabinoids, and terpenes, and devoid of psychoactive THC.
List of Lazarus Naturals prices and products:
Energy Formula 25mg CBD Capsules
$15.00 – $50.00
Relaxation Formula 25mg CBD Capsules
$15.00 – $50.00
CBD Balm Soothing Mint 1200mg
Cedar Citrus CBD Balm
$15.00 – $50.00
Lavender CBD Balm
$15.00 – $50.00
Soothing Mint CBD Balm
$15.00 – $50.00
Tropical High Potency Tincture
$40.00 – $125.00
Wintermint High Potency Tincture
$40.00 – $125.00
CBD Tinctures
$12.00 – $70.00
High Potency CBD Tinctures
$32.00 – $200.00
Flavorless High Potency Tinctures
$40.00 – $125.00
CBD Pet Tinctures
$12.00 – $38.00
10mg CBD Capsules
$6.00 – $100.00
25mg CBD Capsules
$15.00 – $200.00
50mg CBD Capsules
$25.00 – $360.00
100mg CBD Capsules
$30.00 – $100.00
200mg CBD Capsules
CBD Coconut Oil
$15.00 – $50.00
Bulk CBD Isolate
$450.00 – $1,000.00
Terpene Infused or Raw CBD Isolate
Terpene Infused and Raw CBD Isolates 4 pack
Terpene Infused and Raw CBD Isolates – 50 pack
$40.00 – $180.00
Standard Potency Sample Pack
High Potency Sample Pack
Ingredients for Lazarus Naturals CBD Coconut Oil:
Coconut butter
Contains MCT’s aka medium-chain triglycerides, a type of healthy fat which provides immediate energy without yoyoing your blood sugar
Hemp-derived Full Spectrum CBD extract
Contains CBD
CBD is the main anti-inflammatory cannabinoid in the industrial hemp extract. This is the active ingredient which provides relief from anxiety and pain syndromes without producing a psychoactive effect or other side effects
Terpenes like myrcene
Terpenes are known to boost the therapeutic effect of CBD
Other non-psychoactive cannabinoids, but no THC
Cannabinoids other than CBD and THC are known to aid in the therapeutic effects of CBD.
How it works
You can put a teaspoon of Lazarus Naturals CBD oil in your coffee and you will have taken a 50 mg dose of CBD. This is a dose that might be used for a condition like chronic pain. Below is a dosing chart which is attributed to the Mayo Clinic and its CBD dosing guidelines. Medical dosages of CBD have only been determined for prescription products Sativex and Epidiolex. We provide the chart here only so that legal users of CBD can get a perspective on what medical dosing says about the tolerability of various doses.
Once CBD and the other phytonutrients are in your system, they bind to cannabinoid and other receptors in the central nervous system and produce anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and purported anti-cancer effects.
CBD extracted from industrial hemp is legal in most states of the United States so long as it contains no THC. Lazarus Naturals’ products should be legal in most states but check to see if it is legal in your jurisdiction before obtaining any product.
It’s important not to use CBD products in lieu of competent medical treatment for serious conditions. Particularly, the traditional treatment for cancer should not be forgone to experiment with CBD or other marijuana products. These products are a great adjunct to traditional treatment, but not a replacement for it.
Lazarus Naturals CBD oil can be eaten by adding it to food and hot drinks, or it can be applied topically.
Lazarus Naturals is an employee-owned company and provides discounts of up to 40% for veterans and long-term disabled individuals.
There are many stores and online sites, including and which sell Lazarus Naturals products. Here are 3 located in the United States:
Stores which sell Lazarus Naturals CBD Products
Harbor Greens LLC
5225 Olympic Dr. NW
Gig Harbor WA 98335
Tony’s Variety
229 Division St NW
Olympia WA 98502
Yelm Food Co-op
308 E. Yelm Ave
Yelm WA 98597
United States
Each Lazarus Naturals product is tested and the certificate of analysis posted on the website:
Standout Features and Negatives
One of the biggest draws for Lazarus Naturals CBD oil is that they test each batch and make the information available online. This allows you to be certain that your product contains the stated amount of CBD and that it does not contain adulterants or toxic metals.
Another outstanding aspect of Lazarus Naturals CBD oil is that the cannabis CBD extract is made through a process that is overseen from start to finish by Lazarus Naturals’ experts. They grow the hemp, make the product, test it, then send it to a third party for objective testing.
Another positive is that they have various products all of which contain non-psychoactive CBD and no THC. They have everything from balms to tincture. You can take your CBD any way you like.
A negative for some is the absence of THC. THC produces a high of marijuana, but it also reduces anxiety, boosts mood, and has anti-inflammatory, anti-seizure, and anti-pain effects. Many in jurisdictions where it is legal prefer medical cannabis preparations which include THC. Some people have epilepsy which does not respond to CBD alone but will respond to marijuana which includes THC, CBD, and the whole spectrum of phytonutrients. Lazarus Naturals CBD, terpenes, and cannabinoids produce an entourage effect without THC and without the high.
A final negative is that we are using non-prescription forms of CBD as a supplement and not a medicine. It, therefore, does not come with medical guidelines which would make it easy for you and your doctor to follow the progress and eliminate drug interactions. If you take it as a supplement or as needed for anxiety or pain, you will have to do your own research and follow manufacturers and other well-researched advice about dosage (such as our dosing chart from Mayo Clinic). For the record, Lazarus Naturals advises you to contact your doctor if you want to titrate above 300 mg for daily use. Therefore, taking Lazarus Naturals CBD oil 350 mg in one day would best only be done under a doctor’s watch and instruction.
Does CBD have any side effects?
Lazarus Naturals reports on their site that cannabidiol has little or no side effects under 300 mg daily. Above that dosage, one should consult a doctor.
Before we look at the side effects, let’s look at the safety. Consider these facts:
Chronic use and high doses up to 1,500 mg/day of CBD are reportedly well tolerated in humans.
(Bergamaschi, Queiroz, Zuardi, & Crippa, 2011)
Possible Negative Side Effects of CBD
Inhibition of hepatic drug metabolism
Alterations of in vitro cell viability
Decreased fertilization capacity
Decreased activities of p-glycoprotein and other drug transporters
Changes in appetite
Poor quality sleep
Decreased appetite
In general, CBD is safe and well-tolerated. Doses above 300 mg should have a doctor’s monitoring.
Pros and cons
Lazarus Naturals CBD oil
Can be eaten or applied topically
Contains full-spectrum of CBD, other non-psychoactive cannabinoids and terpenes
Lazarus Naturals provides 3rd party lab analysis
Lab tests for heavy metals and other adulterants
3rd party labs confirm that Lazarus Naturals CBD products contain the stated levels of cannabinoids
Traditional treatment and off-brand CBD products
Not appetizing
Medications like Marinol and opioids are psychoactive
A single method of administration
Pain treatments can be addictive
Contains a single drug with no entourage effect
Some other CBD products do not use 3rd party testing as they should
Other products don’t test for heavy metals and adulterants
FDA has found a lot of off-brand CBD products do not contain the stated level of CBD, and some contain amounts of THC which are not indicated on the label, could be illegal, or cause a failed urinalysis.
This customer reviewed Lazarus Naturals hemp oil. Tinctures of hemp oil do not contain CBD or other cannabinoids. CBD may not be legal in all states, so big stores like Amazon cannot easily get away with selling CBD oil. So, they sell hemp oil. Hemp oil is made from hemp seeds and has some therapeutic effects but no CBD. In any case, this customer loves the product and qualifies for the massive discount given to veterans and disabled.
Review: A+. “Great CBD Oil”
This customer is greatly satisfied with Lazarus Naturals CBD Oil. She feels it helps regulate appetite as well as fight inflammation.
Review: C-. “Also I got a bad headache.”
This user had trouble finding the correct dose and experienced sleepiness and headache after taking just two drops which might be close to 2 mg. Some people may be hypersensitive and need to start with lower doses or weaker products. It might be prudent to start with hemp oil alone rather than CBD oil for beginners who tend to be sensitive to medication. Hemp oil will contain very small amounts of CBD and other cannabinoids and terpenoids and also healthy oils.
Group Discussion Review: A+. “…Lazarus is a great product.”
Several customers joined in praise of Lazarus Naturals CBD oil. They feel it has helped them and their loved ones with a variety of discomforts.
Review: F. “I never once felt it made any difference.”
This user feels he got no benefits from Lazarus CBD coconut oil. However, it appears he only took a low dose for a few days.
Questions and answers:
Is Lazarus Naturals a scam? Our research indicates that Lazarus Naturals is legit, well-trusted, and transparent. On their site, they have fully accessible 3rd party lab reports. They even list their top employees, unlike many sellers where you don’t know who they are, where they are, or where they get their starting materials. Lazarus Naturals has an informative website that tells you everything you need to know.
How much do you take? Start with 10 mg to 25 mg. Wait two hours for effect. Titrate up if needed. Lazarus states on their website that you can take more, up to 150 mg in one day. The absolute cap for non-medically supervised use is 300 mg in one day.
Is CBD psychoactive? Will it make you high? No, and no.
Is hemp oil the same as CBD oil? No. Hemp oil is made from hemp seeds and does not contain therapeutic levels of CBD. The oil has its own health benefits separate from CBD. Some products are CBD hemp oil drops, which is hemp oil infused with CBD. However, most hemp oil does not contain CBD, unless otherwise noted on the label.
Does CBD oil contain metals and toxins? Some CBD oil products are grown in areas that have toxins and pesticides in the environment and these products can become adulterated with these unwanted substances.
Lazarus Naturals tests all of its products for metals, pesticides, and toxins. Lazarus products are clean of these adulterants.
Does Lazarus CBD coconut oil contain THC? No. Trace amounts of THC below the federally mandated level of 0.3% can be present.
Things to Consider Before Buying Lazarus Naturals CBD Oil
Before you buy CBD oil, read our reviews to see how they stack up. You need to consider where do they source their cannabis plants or hemp plants. How do they process the plants and make their products? Do they use 3rd part lab testing to prove that their products have the correct amount of CBD, a level of THC below 0.3%, and is free of pesticides and heavy metal toxins?
Grade: A+
Would we buy this product? Yes. Everything checks out with Lazarus CBD coconut oil. They have the science to prove it. They provide the 3rd party labs on their website. The production is overseen by their team from start to finish. Social media users report good results. The few negative results revolve around the product being too strong for sensitive users, and one negative result where the user reported no effects at all, but only used up to 35 mg for just a few days. So, we surmise that this product is certainly active and promising for use as a supplement to help with pain and anxiety.
CBD oil disclaimers (please read, this is important):
General Medical Disclaimer
Leaf Expert and its employees and partners do not represent the medical establishment and our information is not a replacement for your doctor’s advice.
FDA Disclaimer
The use of CBD products with the exception of Epidiolex and Sativex has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Drug Screening Disclaimer
While most CBD products claim to have little to no THC, it is theoretically possible to fail a drug test for THC. This can happen because some CBD products have been tested to have far more THC than represented on the label. Also, CBD is similar in structure to THC.
Bergamaschi, M. M., Queiroz, R. H., Zuardi, A. W., & Crippa, J. A. (2011). Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa Constituent. Current Drug Safety, 6(4), 237-249. Retrieved 11 11, 2018, from
Song, C., Stevenson, C. W., Guimarães, F. S., & Lee, J. L. (2016). Bidirectional Effects of Cannabidiol on Contextual Fear Memory Extinction. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 7, 493. Retrieved 11 11, 2018, from
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